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    ASTM A36/A36M-14 REDLINE

    Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel
    • 발행일 : 2014-12-01
    • 발행기관 : ASTM
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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    최신표준과 직전 구판표준의 변경내용을 포함하고 있는 버전. 구입 시 최신표준과 레드라인 두 개 파일을 제공합니다.



1.1 This specification2 covers carbon steel shapes, plates, and bars of structural quality for use in riveted, bolted, or welded construction of bridges and buildings, and for general structural purposes.

1.2 Supplementary requirements are provided for use where additional testing or additional restrictions are required by the purchaser. Such requirements apply only when specified in the purchase order.

1.3 When the steel is to be welded, a welding procedure suitable for the grade of steel and intended use or service is to be utilized. See Appendix X3 of Specification A6/A6M for information on weldability.

1.4 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system is to be used independently of the other, without combining values in any way.

1.5 The text of this specification contains notes or footnotes, or both, that provide explanatory material. Such notes and footnotes, excluding those in tables and figures, do not contain any mandatory requirements.

1.6 For structural products produced from coil and furnished without heat treatment or with stress relieving only, the additional requirements, including additional testing requirements and the reporting of additional test results, of A6/A6M apply.

페이지수 3
Edition 14


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ASTM A36/A36M-19상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2019-07-01 표준
2 ASTM A36/A36M-19 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2019-07-01 표준
3 ASTM A36/A36M-14상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2014-12-01 구판
4 ASTM A36/A36M-14 REDLINE상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2014-12-01 구판
5 ASTM A36/A36M-12상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2012-11-01 구판
6 ASTM A36/A36M-08상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2008-05-15 구판
7 ASTM A36/A36M-05상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2005-03-01 구판
8 ASTM A36/A36M-04상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2004-04-01 구판
9 ASTM A36/A36M-03a상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2003-05-10 구판
10 ASTM A36/A36M-03상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2003-04-10 구판
11 ASTM A36/A36M-02상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2002-12-10 구판
12 ASTM A36/A36M-00a상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2001-09-10 구판
13 ASTM A36/A36M-01상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2001-09-10 구판
14 ASTM A36/A36M-97ae1상세보기 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 구판


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